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Working with Speed Dial Views

Requirements: You need the Can Create Speed Dials Security right to enable you to Create a Speed Dial View. Your CIC administrator can also set server parameters that limit the number of contacts you can display in a Speed Dial view.

Speed dial views provide a quick way to dial frequently called contacts. The entries within a speed dial view show the name, user status, and the default number for each contact. The default number is a hyperlink you can click to dial the contact.  Or, click the down arrow next to the default phone number for a contact. The list contains all the phone numbers available for the selected contact. Click any of these numbers to dial.

Note: CIC sorts the Speed Dial entries by display name.

Your CIC administrator can enable Speed Dial views to display photos or other images for CIC users in a Speed Dial view. If no photo is available, a generic image appears on the speed dial entry. The color of the circle indicates the contact's availability based on CIC status. For more information, see Speed Dial Features.

Note: You can resize Speed Dial views; even if available, photos and images appear only if the view is wide enough.

When you create a speed dial view, you determine whether the view is private or public. Private speed dial views are visible only to the person who creates the view. Public speed dial views are visible to everyone who uses a CIC client.

Note: When you add a view, private Speed Dial views and Directory views display a lock icon next to their name in the Available items list.

Related Topics

Close a Speed Dial View

Create a Speed Dial View

Delete a Speed Dial View

Display a Speed Dial View

Rename a Speed Dial View

Working with Speed Dial Entries