Interaction Connect Help




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Text Message Conversations

ACD-routed SMS text messages and replies to your text messages can appear in your CIC client as Chats. Your CIC administrator controls the routing of inbound SMS text messages. CIC can route SMS text messages as Chats, to a handler, or as a generic object to a queue.

When CIC routes SMS text messages as Chats, you interact with them exactly as you would any other Chat. All the features available when handling a Chat are available to you when handling these SMS text messages. You can invite other CIC users to join the text message conversation, use Response Management to look up answers to frequently asked questions, add notes or codes, and more. See Manage a Chat Session for more details.

Note: An SMS text message conference ends when the last CIC agent or other internal party disconnects.

Current Interaction view

You work with SMS text messages in the Current Interaction view.