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Search a Directory

The CIC client uses a paged format to display large directories. Paging controls enable you to navigate from one page to another in the directory and locate a specific directory entry.

Note: By default, directories with more than 100 contacts appear in a paged format. However, your CIC administrator determines how large a directory must be before it appears in a paged format and how many contacts appear on a single page.

To search for a directory entry:

  • Enter the first few letters of the column entry (if it’s alphabetical), or enter the first few numbers (if it’s numerical) in the Search field on the directory tab.

  • Search for all combinations of specific letters by using * for a wildcard match. For example, use *ob to find all entries containing, but not necessarily beginning with, ob.

Note: Searches in Directory columns that contain comma-separated values, like Workgroups, automatically use a "contains" filter. The asterisk is not necessary.

  • Use the question mark (?) to represent one unknown character. For example, use ?ng to locate all entries beginning with any character where the second character is n and the third character is g.

  • Press Esc to clear all entries from the search fields.

Related Topics

View and Edit Directory Entries

Working with Directories