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Assistance Process

You submit an assistance request in the form of a problem description or question in the Request Assistance sidebar. You enter a problem description or question and click the plus sign (+).

All of the workgroup supervisors on the same IC server see this assistance request. If a supervisor responds to the request, the toast notification closes automatically for all supervisors.

Note: Workgroup supervisors are configured in Interaction Administrator. Also, supervisors receive assistance requests only if they are running Interaction Supervisor or IC Business Manager. If they are running only a CIC client, they do not receive assistance requests. At least one supervisor must be configured for your workgroup in Interaction Administrator and that supervisor must be logged on in order for the request assistance process to work properly.

The supervisor responds to the notification by clicking a link:

  • Respond opens the Respond to Assistance Request dialog, to give immediate assistance and feedback to the user. The supervisor can text chat with the agent, and use call action controls to listen, coach, join, record, pause, pickup, or disconnect the interaction.

  • Ignore disregards the message and dismisses the assistant request toast.

  • Manage Assistance Requests opens the Agent Assistance dialog box, which displays all assistance requests from agents in workgroups for which the supervisor has responsibility. The supervisor can select a request to answer, and assist multiple agents at the same time.

You can chat with your supervisor in the Request Assistance sidebar.

Related Topics

Request Assistance From Your Supervisor